T2 declarations from Ireland and Northern Ireland which travel through Great Britain and which have a destination in Europe are discharged automatically on arrival in Rotterdam port depending on which ferry company the truck has travelled with. The customs office of termination in the T2 should be indicated as NL000510.
When booking the ferry, it is necessary and mandatory to include the MRN of the transit declaration. When the MRN is included in the ferry booking, the following ferry companies discharge the T2 automatically;
- Stena Line
- P&O Ferries
The driver can leave on arrival in Rotterdam without the need to stop at a customs office to discharge the transit.
SGS advise their clients and companies to always have access to a signed copy of the CMR document in case of any discrepancies.
For more information on this and SGS services to and from the Netherlands, contact your local client centre or use the contact form to contact your local SGS affiliate.